Our Books

God Is Whispering To You
If you are serious about knowing and hearing God, this is the book to get." Pastor Dan Chun, Senior Pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Honolulu at Ko 'Olau, and Co-Founder of Hawaiian Island Ministries. Buy The Book!

Say Shut Up
If you’re a young person, life is harder than when your parents were young. What you’re learning in high school, is what we parents were learning in college. The pressure on you to make good grades, succeed in sports and do insane amounts of homework is too much! I don’t have to tell you that young people your age are suffering. Most likely, either you are struggling or know a friend who is in pain. You know that teenage suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death among teens age 10-24. You’re aware that many youth are struggling with eating disorders, drinking, drugs, feeling bullied, depressed, anxious and even suicidal. In the Bible, Jesus says that enemy’s mission is to “steal and kill and destroy,” (John 10:10) and that “satan is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:44). Some of the lies the enemy whispers say, “you are ugly, you are unloved, you are stupid.” Other lies are more extreme such as: “harm yourself, cut yourself, or even kill yourself.” No one understands all this pressure and pain more than Jesus. In this session, Christy will help you know what messages you’re hearing are from God, what’s negative messages tearing you down and what’s from the enemy. God wants to give you spiritual power to tell the enemy to "shut up!" Buy Today